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LTYB Radio Program - May 23, 2014
Series: Listen To Your BibleQuestions Answered During This Broadcast
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- How does God speak to us, can He speak directly to us?
- Can I be baptized for someone that has already died, so that they can be saved from purgatory?
- Regarding the 7 mountains: Is there any information on the 7 mountains - realms over which the devil has dominion over? Is there any information on how we as believers are to retake those mountains?
- Does the Bible teach that Jesus is a created angel?
- Jehovah Witnesses say their name is in the Bible, where is the passage located? Are they Jehovah's people?
- You have repeated said baptism is required to be saved, but the Bible says the thief on the cross was meeting Jesus in Paradise & there was no mention of the thief being baptized.
Hosting: Antoine Holloway (Evangelist), Dan Jackson (Elder), & Kenny Anderson