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LTYB Radio Program - July 4, 2014
Series: Listen To Your BibleQuestions Answered During This Broadcast
- What is doctrine? What makes doctrine good or bad? What is the difference between good and false doctrine?
- What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and does it save from Acts chapter 10?
- Has the kingdom come or are we still waiting for it?
- If the gospel was an event in history (Death, Burial, & Resurrection of Jesus), then how does one obey an event? (1 Corinthians 15: 1-4)
- Are we born sinners? If so, when a baby dies is he or she sentenced to hell?
- What is the sabbath? Are we permitted to work on that holy day?
Hosting: Michael Myrick (Deacon), Clifford Muse, & Mark Ostroff