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LTYB Radio Program - December 27, 2014
Series: Listen To Your BibleQuestions Answered During This Broadcast
- CALL IN QUESTION - Is it Biblical to have a church anniversary? / Is it Biblical to name a church (ie, church on the hill)? Is doing so an error? (call at the end of previous program).
- Is salary for preaching a Biblical idea?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Luke 2:1 - Why were Joseph and Mary there?
- Why are there so many people who don’t believe in God?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Is it man-made to name a church anything you want? Do you need to stick to names in scripture?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Is Christmas wrong? Is a Christmas tree a sin or idolatry?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Is gambling a sin?
- Does Jesus give instructions regarding fasting?
- What does the Bible say about cross-dressing?
- CALL IN QUESTION - How does one receive the Holy Ghost? How does one know what your gifts are (i.e. speaking in tongues)?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Regarding the previous question about the Christmas tree, Is Jer 3:13 speaking against having a decorated tree?
- CALL IN COMMENT - Regarding fasting
Hosting: Antoine Holloway (Evangelist), Dan Jackson (Elder), Michael Myrick (Deacon) & Kenny Anderson