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LTYB Radio Program - February 28, 2015
Series: Listen To Your BibleQuestions Answered During This Broadcast
- Where can I find the listing of the apostles of the Lord?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Why did God send Moses to Pharaoh to tell him, "Let my people go"?
- Does the Bible teach that babies should be baptized?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Does the Bible teach Christians today to observe the Sabbath?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Where in the Bible does it say that women can be pastors?
- Why do people dress in white when they are baptized? Is this what the Bible says?
- Can you please explain Proverbs 18:21?
- Did God control the weather? Does He send deadly storms, sunny days, & calm days? What about Psalm 148:8?
- What "all" is Jesus referring to in Luke 14:33?
- What is the baptism of fire described in Matthew 3:11-12?
- In Titus 1:9, what does it mean to convict the gainsayer?
Hosting: Michael Myrick (Deacon), Antoine Holloway (Evangelist), Clifford Muse, & Kenny Anderson