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LTYB Radio Program - March 28, 2015
Series: Listen To Your BibleQuestions Answered During This Broadcast
- Should the church be involved in raising money through chicken dinners, raffles, car washes, etc?
- Can a Christian be a member of the Masons or Freemasons?
- What did Jesus mean when He said "Let the dead bury the dead"?
- CALL IN QUESTION - How is Jesus the answer of the world today?
- Why did God prevent Moses from entering the Promised Land? Where is this found in the Bible?
- What does the Bible say about purgatory? Is there a place called purgatory in the Bible?
- CALL IN QUESTION - What is the correct action of baptism i.e. pouring, sprinkling, immersion, dipping of the head, etc? What is the eternal destiny of those who commit suicide?
- Is it possible for us to be confident in our salvation? Can we know without a doubt that we will be saved?
- CALL IN QUESTION - Does 2 Corinthians 6:14 deal with the issue of marriage?
Hosting: Clifford Muse, Dan Jackson (Elder), & Michael Myrick (Deacon)