

Jesus Christ: Our Rest

Jesus Christ: Our Rest

Genesis 2:3 – And God blessed (spoke good of) the seventh day, set it apart as His own, and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all His work which He had created and done. 

Tomorrow will be Monday.  For many of us, Monday is the start of our work week.  Having enjoyed our Saturday and continued our celebration of life in our worship to God all day Sunday, we oftentimes find ourselves tired, weary, and slow to get started on Monday morning saying to ourselves, “I’m so tired and it’s only Monday.  I just can’t wait for Friday to get here”.  This is the life of the typical American.  Our lives are full, busy, crowded, chaotic, swirling, whirling, and guess what???  Our week is not even over yet.

According to the scriptures, God worked hard too and still does.  He spoke the world into existence.  God made mankind in His image and saw the goodness of His creation.  However, in Genesis 2:3, God did not look for more to do, but rather He paused, stopped, and took a break.  I can imagine God breathing deeply, while sitting on His throne, enjoying the scenery.  As the young people would say, “God chilled out.”  We, created in God’s image, are blessed by God to do the same.

Jesus Christ is our rest, for Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest.”  In other words, Jesus will ease and relieve and refresh our souls.  Therefore, in Christ, God has given more than a day of rest, but rather a lifetime of it.  However, this rest is only given to those who are faithful to His call and service. As Christians, let us commit ourselves to removing the “extra” things, which are taking us away from the Lord and start spending more time with the Savior, for Christ is our rest.  Let us ask God to help us to be more faithful, so He can meet us daily and provide the rest He enjoyed on the seventh day to us every day, which is perfect peace!